The Aspects jewel box window hummingbird feeder is a well known choice for hummingbird enthusiasts looking for a window feeder solution to attract hummers to their gardens. It is simple, but decorative and sturdy and easy to install and enjoy. Unlike many other feeders, it also has a lifetime warranty (though you will need to register for that separately) and with proper care will give you many years of hummingbird spotting from the comfort of your windows.

This hummer feeder has 3 ports, shaped like raised flowers to help protect from raindrops. It holds 8 oz. of nectar, and it’s easy to clean and refill with wide access to the reservoir and no leaking or dripping. The reservoir nectar level is very easy to see without disturbing the birds.
It’s made of sturdy, weatherproof polycarbonate construction, and has a suction-cup mounted bracket. Due to the way it’s mounted, I would personally remove it if the weather is going to be very bad or very cold (it is not a good heated hummingbird feeder because it’s made of plastic), but it works great in summer storms.
It is made in the USA and has a lifetime warranty. This is particularly useful for window hummingbird feeders, because wear and tear will eventually render the suction cups inflexible and less sticky. At which point you know it’s time to order new ones!
The shape of this nectar feeder is perfect for birdwatching. The high perch allows the birds to drink without being obscured by the reservoir and maximises your chances for a good picture or video. It has a bright red color, which attracts the birds. The perch system is also great for the birds, because it allows them to rest while they feed. Rumours about hummingbirds never perching are totally unfounded. In fact, they do appreciate a place to rest and will often perch on branches and even human made hummingbird perch swings.
As an extra bonus, it comes with a very wide ant moat which makes it nearly impossible even for the craftiest of ants to get to the nectar. But if you don’t need it that’s fine, it’s easy to detach and remove.
Mounting The Aspects Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder
The box includes instructions, a mounting bracket and window suction cups. It also includes the screws you will need to attach the suction cups to the bracket, and an extra set of screws and spacers to attach the feeder to a wood window sill or deck railing. Installation takes about a minute, and will last until you decide to remove them. Yes, the suction cups are that sturdy (let alone the wood screws).
You can attach the mounting bracket to the glass suction cups provided, using the short screws that come with the feeder. This way works best if you intend to change the placement of the feeder regularly and rotate across several windows.
Do not use too much pressure or you can damage the suction cups.
Once the cups are screwed into the bracket, you need to attach it to the window. This can be a bit fiddly, as usual with suction cups.
- First of all make sure both the window and the cups are perfectly clean and dry.
- Apply a bit of water (or even better, vegetable oil!) to the suction cups, and position the bracket on the glass where you want the feeder to rest.
- Press the bracket against the window so they adhere and suction will keep it there.
You can also attach the aspects jewel box permanently to a railing or wood window frame using the long screws and spacers provided.
- Slide the long screws through the bracket
- Slide the spacers onto the screws (they help keep the feeder level)
- Screw to a suitable wood surface.
Once the feeder’s mounting bracket is attached, it’s time to attach the (optional but highly recommended) ant moat, fill the reservoir and enjoy watching hummingbirds from your window.
The jewel feeder itself has a pair of tabs that can be used to hang from the holding bracket. Alternatively, you can hang the ant moat from the bracket and let the nectar reservoir nest on top of it. Either option should result on a stable and level hummingbird window feeder.
Bees and wasps can put many people off hummingbird window feeders, but the Aspects Jewel Box is ready for them. Sold separately, the Nectar Guard Tips can be attached to the nubs on the underside of the feeding ports and will discourage bees and wasps from taking residence.
Refilling And Cleaning The Aspects Jewel Box window feeder
The Aspects Jewel Box hummingbird window feeder is very easy to refill. You can remove the feeder, and the hinged lid makes it very easy to refill and clean it. In fact, you can even put it on the top rack of the diswasher every so often to ensure a bacteria free feeding source for the hummers. You should be refilling it every 3 days tops, to keep the nectar fresh.
The lid closes very firmly, which means it’s almost impossible to accidentally open it when removing it for cleaning or refilling, but it can be a bit annoying if your fingers aren’t very strong.
One not so good thing about this feeder is that unless the nectar level is relatively high some birds won’t be able to reach down the ports to get to it. Other birds do fine, so it really depends on how long their beaks/tongues are. But you may want to refill often to avoid this problem.
Hummingbirds Are Ignoring My Feeder!
This feeder is generally well received by hummingbirds, but if yours is not a success (and you can see hummingbirds in your garden, perhaps on other feeders) then check out the following.
- Can the hummingbirds see your reflection on the glass/through the window? They have pretty good eyesight
- If you move too fast towards the window, they will fly away. Walk slowly and only when their beaks are in the feeder, and you won’t scare them. After a few weeks, they will get used to you (and the easy food) and will become more tolerant of approaching humans.
- Hummingbirds will most often come during dawn and dusk, so you may be watching for them at the wrong times
- Are nectar bats drinking the nectar overnight and leaving your hummingbirds dry? It is a possibility in the SW US and many other areas
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Overall, the Aspects Jewel Box hummingbird window feeder gets a 5 stars rating from me. It’s the perfect beginner hummingbird feeder because it’s really easy to install and manage. In fact, since you don’t need to carry the filled nectar reservoir around (like with many hanging feeders) you minimise the risk of spillages and this is perfect for people with specific accessibility requirements. It is as foolproof as it gets, even if your hands aren’t so strong or you have bad balance. I personally love it because of this.
Hummingbirds love it too, and are attracted by the bright red color on the reservoir. This means you don’t need to add red coloring to your nectar mix! The perch makes it very easy to see the birds as they perch right above the feeder and remain still, giving them a bit of time to rest while feeding.
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